If I decide to hire an attorney for my eminent domain and condemnation matter, what should I consider?

When researching attorneys, key considerations should include: (1) whether they routinely handle eminent domain cases; (2) whether they know how to properly “work up” a case—meaning they hire the right experts and put forward the proper evidence to support your case; and (3) whether they are willing to take a case to trial and have experience developing trial strategy. 

If you have a personal attorney, ask for their opinion or referral.  Approximately 80% of our cases are referrals from other lawyers who know our strong reputation. 

The fact that a lawyer used to work for a condemning authority like the NCDOT doesn’t mean they have any extra influence over the government to pay you more or that the government’s attorneys are going to give them more money. Rather, it just means that they used to help the government take land at the lowest values from landowners. 

Murray Law focuses exclusively on representing landowners in eminent domain matters.  David Murray has never represented the government and decided in law school that he wanted to work for landowners against the government.  He has never helped the government take land and property rights from people.